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Nutritional Counseling at Ignite Chiropractic

gut drawing over womanAs one of the pillars of great health, nutrition is vital. “Nutrition is giving your body the building blocks it needs to create either a weak or strong body,” said Dr. Austin.

The old saying, “you are what you eat,” is certainly true. If you’re not nourishing your body with powerful nutrients (e.g. your diet consists of junk food), it won’t function at its peak. Dr. Austin provides nutrition counseling, as he knows how powerful it can be to optimize health.

Providing Condition-Specific Recommendations

Typically, Dr. Austin’s recommendations are more specific to what the patient complained of unless it just happens to come up in conversation that somebody needs help. Dr. Austin will sit down and create an entire nutritional plan from somebody if they need it.

“I regularly recommend nutritional intolerance testing, as everyone is biochemically individual,” said Dr. Austin.
New Patients

Ortho Molecular Supplements

“I had bad digestive issues that started when I was about 14 years old,” said Dr. Austin. “As a result, I got put on high dose antihistamine medication, which I took for almost 15 years. Recently, there was a class-action lawsuit against that medication. That experience is one of the reasons why I have spent quite a bit of time studying natural methods for fixing digestive disorders, as opposed to pharmaceutical treatment to cover up symptoms.

“After 15 years on the medication, my hands and feet were becoming numb. I was sitting in pathology class at Life University when vitamin b12 deficiency neuropathy came on the screen. One of the primary causes of this type of neuropathy was the medication I had been taking for years. I immediately stopped using the medication. I started using probiotics, changed my nutrition, and lost weight. I did all these things, and I no longer have heartburn or digestive problems. It was really bad chronic heartburn, to where I was getting regular endoscopies to make sure I wasn’t going to get esophageal cancer. Having been through my own journey with nutritional issues, I feel well-equipped to help you with whatever you may be experiencing.”

Book an Appointment

Discover how nutrition counseling could help improve your well-being. Contact Ignite Chiropractic today to schedule an appointment.

Nutritional Counseling Woodstock GA | (678) 909-5993